Minor Disclaimer
- I am the parent/mother/grandparent/guardian of the minor.
- The aforementioned minor will experience TicketsRD.com (hereinafter DITS) together with me, and in this regard, I am responsible for their care and behavior during the event, and I declare that said minor will abide by all the rules of the experience signed by the undersigned of this document.
- I commit that said minor will not consume any type of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances.
- The undersigned assumes full responsibility for the minor referred to previously, and releases and exonerates DITS, its operating company, its partners, managers, and/or anyone associated with them, from any claim for own civil liability, to third parties, damages to third parties or of any other type arising from the minor's participation in the event in case of disobedience, negligence, or recklessness of said minor and/or lack of my supervision.